1. Songs for Children of Light
A. Ten Albums of Music
B. Ten Albums of Dance
C. Ten Albums of Drama
(Accompanying Ten Albums of Lyrics, published work)
Magnum opus. All parts correlated. Dance for video; Drama for stage.
A spiritual process – moves from birth of The Innocent Heart to death of Bearing
the Birth Pangs. 1983-1990. 540 pp. total.
* 2. WORDSPEAK (in Three Parts)
119 poems allowing the soul of the poet and prophet to speak in the moment.
(Written without revision – as are all of the following.)
Some abstract drawings included. 119 pp. 1993.
Short fiction. The imagination and inspiration of a Christian child, and his call as a writer. 27 pp. 1993.
Long work of prose. Prophetic writing in the Spirit on the words found in silence,at the still point of the turning world. 196 pp. 1994.
**5. Only Son
Prose writing. Jesus is the only Son of God; none other is as He, and His time is at hand. 37 pp. 1995.
**6. New Life! (A Letter to the Body)
Letter, in the spirit of St. Paul’s epistles, to the Church on Earth, considering the glory of being together with the Lord one day in Heaven. 16 pp. 1995.
An autobiography. The purity of the child is despoiled by the sins of the world, and redeemed by the blood of the Lord. 150 pp. 1995/1996.
Children’s book (a la Dr. Seuss). A child blesses all before sleep. 23 pp. 1996.
9. Poems, Letters… 1+ pages each. 1996.
On abortion: Cry, America!; Declaration of War; Ghost Town (2002).
On Church: Manna (re Eucharist); Our history needs a mending (to Protestants).
“666” (The Mark of the Beast); Call To Arms (to Christian Artists).
Also, Love and Wisdom in the Computer Age.
10. In Preparation for Departure
Poetry and prose on readiness for the death of this world and Christ’s second coming. 98pp. 1996.
*** 11. The Word, The Cross, and the Dove
Poetic explication of the Trinity. 11pp. 1996.
The poet seeks freedom from sin by the grace of God. 11 pp. 1996.
On the trust necessary to write in the Spirit of Christ, without revision.
(The soul pierced by the sword of truth bleeds the blood of Christ.) 10 pp. 1996.
Poem. Of Christians grafted unto the kingdom’s tree by the only Son of God. 8pp. 1997.
Poem. Believe you are made by God. 8 pp. 1997.
Poetry and Prose. As images of God we have freedom which must be offered to God to be true – we must be of His love. 133pp. 1998.
17. Days; 18. Days ’97; 19. Days ’98; 20. Days 99; 21. Days 2000
Approximately 365 pages each.
Daily reflections on readings of Catholic Mass, applied to personal life.
Diary kept for five years, covering preparation years dedicated to
Penance, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Father, and The Jubilee Year itself.
22. Wisdom of the Blessed Mother
Dialogue with Mary in questions & her insightful answers. 76 pp. 2001.
23. In Conversation with the Lord
Words of personal instruction and inspiration from our Savior. 49 pp. 2001.
Subtitled, A Collection of Instances Revealing the Lord’s Providential Hand; including “O Daddy! My Daddy!” on the death of my father. 64 pp. 2002.
Ruminations on and exemplifications of the oneness of the justice and love of the Lord, in heaven and on earth. 68 pp. 2002.
Paragraph by paragraph reflective condensation of St. Faustina’s Diary,
written entirely before the Blessed Sacrament. 123 pp. 2002.
27. St. Michael’s Notebook (In Four Parts. 130 pp. 2003)
A) St. Michael’s Notebook. Poetry and prayers written before the exposed
Blessed Sacrament. 68 pages
B) Colloquy. Short conversations with the Lord re Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, Love and Marriage, etc. 11pages.
C) Other Pieces. Collected poems and other pieces of writing. 24 pages.
D) Following the Man with the Water Jar. Passages on seventy days of exile from a parish. 27 pages. (re_Masses at different churches led to each day)
28. In Defense of the Word (8pp., 2003)
Essay defending the sacredness of Holy Scripture (the Bible) against those who would water down the glory and significance of both it and its Author.
29. Catechesis with Jesus (61 pp., 2003/04)
Condensation of sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Quotes pulled from and paraphrases of the twelve articles of faith (of the Creed), the seven sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.
30. Window to a Soul (18 pp., 2003/04)
Confessional piece exposing especially the pride of the author as he searches his soul.
Three essays (& two hinges) on the divinity of Jesus and our need to come to Him.
32. Sherlock Holmes’ Salvation (11 pp., 2005)
Short story of the great detective’s finding Christ (and His Church) in the
33. Soulless Nation (30 pp., 2006)
Oh the woe of the selfish and the proud of “the poorest nation in the world” (Mother Teresa)!
34. On the Angels (28 pp., 2006)
Author’s attempt to draw closer to the angels, and so to Heaven, by writing of them and to them.
35. Interior Castle (26 pp., 2006)
Paragraphs of summary and paraphrase reaction to each chapter of St. Teresa’s classic of spirituality.
36. The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary: A Film Script
Each decade of the Rosary is depicted as a scene in a continuous film.
Minimalist scenery, costume, etc. Meditation aide. (55pp., 2015)
* Wordspeak, Crosswords, and On Saturday Morning copywritten under title: Three Works.
** Only Son, Asleep, New Life, I Am…, and YHWH copywritten under title: Five Writings.
*** The WORD…, To Sin No More, and Composure copywritten under title: Three Poems
**** Adopted Sons and Make. Believe. copywritten under title: Two Pieces.
***** How God Works and Justice copywritten under title: Bookends
1. Songs for Children of Light: Ten Albums of Music.
Various versions: 16 track; 4 track, 4 instruments; 4 track, acoustic guitar;
single track, acoustic guitar and voice alone.
Original musical form, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
*2. Waiting for You (and other Christian songs).
*3. New World (and other Christian songs).
*4. Forever and a Day (and other Christian songs).
*5. There’s Hope (and other Christian Songs)
* 2, 3, 4, & 5 are collections of folk-like Christian songs; all acoustic guitar and vocal